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18th Mar 2024

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Celebrated for its captivating sea-blue allure, the aquamarine gemstone is not only March’s birthstone but also a delightful symbol of the returning warmth and the sun’s dance on the ocean waves.

Today, we dive into the serene beauty of the aquamarine and discover how to choose the perfect aquamarine birthstone ring. Whether you’re looking for a gift or just want to treat yourself, this guide will help you find the perfect aquamarine March birthstone ring for any occasion. But before we begin, let’s go over just what aquamarine is exactly


Aquamarine, is a pale, and sometimes blue-green gemstone that is beloved for its oceanic color palette. In fact, the name aquamarine comes from the Latin for “water” (aqua) and “of the sea” (marina). The aquamarine is the March Birthstone and is often gifted for the 19th wedding anniversary.


We can’t talk about aquamarine without mentioning it’s stunning blue hue. A member of the Beryllium family, aquamarine comes in every shade of blue color possible, from light blue to dark green-blue. The aquamarine achieves this color thanks to the trace amounts of iron in the stone that interact with the gemstone's chemical composition. When the aquamarine forms within the depths of the earth's crust, iron ions replace some of the mineral beryl's aluminum ions. In this process, known as isomorphous substitution, iron impurities absorb certain wavelengths of light, thereby causing the stone to project an oceanic palette ranging from light sky-blue to deep sea-green.

The fascinating thing about how aquamarine gemstones are formed is that you can't predict the exact shade of blue they'll be. This is because the amount and chemical form of iron present during the formation can vary. This is what makes every aquamarine unique and shows how amazing and delicate nature's processes can be.

These iron impurities not only give the aquamarine its captivating hues but play a role in the gem's overall value. The richer and deeper the blue, the more the aquamarine is generally valued. While beauty may lie in the eye of the beholder, it's the interplay between elements of the earth's crust and the mysteries of light that truly defines the astonishing allure of the aquamarine.

Aquamarine is a pleochroic stone, meaning that its color will look different depending on the angle you view it. Rated a 7.5-8 on the Moh’s Scale, this stunning colored gemstone is suitable for daily wear with proper care.


The March birthstone, aquamarine, emerges from the depths of mineral-rich pegmatite formations, where it resides alongside other treasured gems such as topaz, quartz, and garnet. The birth of aquamarine begins when molten magma infiltrates these crevices and eventually cools down. This intricate and prolonged process, stretching from tens of thousands to millions of years, culminates in the creation of the beloved aquamarine gemstone as we cherish it today.


Throughout history, aquamarine's serene hues and crystal-clear depths have drawn parallels with the tranquility and rejuvenation that spring brings, making it a fitting emblem for those born in March. The rejuvenating properties of the sea that aquamarine represents are likewise reflective of the renewal that marks the season of spring. What's more, its soothing colors and folklore encapsulate the hope and resilience inherent in the time of year when winter gives way to new beginnings.


The aquamarine has a richly rooted history of spiritual beliefs spread across many ancient cultures. Highly regarded in Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and Sumerian civilizations, aquamarine was often linked to the apostle St. Thomas, who frequently traveled by boat. As such, many ancient people believed that aquamarine was key in protecting them at sea. Additionally, ancient Roman physicians would often utilize aquamarine to address overeating and bloating.

The association with water carried well into the Middle Ages, when aquamarine was believed to be a powerful talisman for sailors. It was thought that the stone would protect them from drowning, and many sailors would wear it as an amulet or keep it in their pockets while at sea.


In more recent times, the March birthstone, aquamarine has been associated with the zodiac sign Pisces. It is believed to be a stone of courage and protection and it is said to help one overcome fears and phobias, as well as provide mental clarity. The stone is also thought to be good for those who are going through a difficult time in their life, as it can help them find strength and courage to move forward.



Hailing from Brazilian mines in the 1980s, this regal gem is named in honor of Brazil's illustrious emperors, Dom Pedro I and his son Dom Pedro II. Before its masterful cutting, it tipped the scales at over 60 pounds and measured nearly two feet in length. Today, the Dom Pedro stands as the world's largest faceted aquamarine, a crowning jewel in The Smithsonian's geology and gems exhibition, captivating onlookers with its sheer scale and breathtaking beauty.


Another large and in charge aquamarine tale comes to us from the depression era presidential family, The Roosevelts. In 1936, they took on a “Good Neighbor” tour of South America, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt landing first in Rio De Janeiro.

When they arrived, Brazilian president Getulio Vargas presented Eleanor with a 1,298 carat aquamarine gem as a gesture of goodwill. The fantastic aquamarine gem weighed almost three pounds and now resides in the Franklin D. Roosevelt library and museum in Hyde Park, NY for all to enjoy.


Louis XV, the renowned Emperor of France, was another royal enthusiast of the March birthstone, aquamarine. His treasured Hirsch aquamarine, tipping the scales at a hefty 109.92 carats, was a piece he prized greatly. Beyond its physical appeal, the aquamarine gemstone was said to have provided the Emperor with a sense of peace and clarity of thought, reinforcing its esteemed reputation as not only a stone of beauty but of mental tranquillity as well.


We can’t wait to get our hands on an aquamarine birthstone ring, but where do we start? Be sure to look out for the crisp aquatic color, clear, blemish free clarity, a precise cut, and descriptive carat weight.


The most coveted hues of aquamarine birthstones shimmer in shades of pastel blue, blue-green, or greenish-blue, with their beauty particularly pronounced in gems exceeding five carats. These larger stones best capture and reflect the light, showcasing the enchanting spectrum of color that sets aquamarine apart.

Keep in mind that many of the aquamarine gemstones you'll find on the market are actually heat-treated. This means that the stone has been heated to enhance its color and clarity. While this treatment is common and accepted in the gemstone industry, it can affect the value of your aquamarine birthstone. If you're looking for a natural gemstone, be sure to ask your jeweler about any treatments that may have been applied to your stone.


Clarity is a paramount consideration when shopping for an aquamarine gemstone. These stones are known for their transparency and are often eye-clean, meaning it's hard to see inclusions with the naked eye. Large clear stones devoid of visible inclusions are not uncommon, boosting their appeal and value.

However, when selecting an aquamarine with the utmost clarity, a few core ideas should guide your choice. First, inspect the stone under good lighting. Carefully examine each facet to detect possible inclusions or surface fractures that could affect the gem's clarity. Keep in mind that smaller inclusions or blemishes may be permissible but should not distract from the overall attractiveness.

Remember that an expert cut could accentuate a stone's clarity by increasing its ability to refract light. Yet, it could also cleverly conceal minor imperfections, so a keen eye is vital.

Lastly, understand that while size doesn't directly affect a gem's clarity, larger aquamarines tend to showcase clarity more impressively. However, you should never compromise clarity for size; a smaller, high-clarity gem could be more desirable than a larger, imperfect stone.


While aquamarine birthstone jewelry commonly features classic shapes such as emerald, round, or oval cuts, the stone's uniform color and exceptional clarity offer a canvas for gem artisans to create bespoke designer cuts that truly captivate the imagination. These unique cuts, tailored by the skilled hands of experienced craftsmen, not only enhance the stone's innate sparkle but also ensure that each piece is a dazzling work of art, certain to draw the eye and hold the gaze of admirers.

Find Your Perfect Aquamarine Jewelry At Olivia Ewing Jewelry

As the weather gets warmer, we can’t wait to dip into the aquamarine sea. Stay safe in and out of the water with an aquamarine birthstone ring by Olivia Ewing Jewelry. Whether you're about to celebrate a birthday or want something timeless to celebrate your calm and joyful love, Olivia Ewing Jewelry has the perfect aquamarine birthstone ring for you.