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2nd Jun 2023

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Welcome to Gemini Season! The third sign of the zodiac, the intelligent, adaptable, and energetic Gemini is a social butterfly always ready to explore new ideas and experiences. What better way to honor the Gemini in your life, or -if you're a Gemini- yourself, than with a stunning zodiac stone of agate that will enhance a Gemini's natural abilities? Below, we break down the characteristics of Gemini people, and why Agate is a fantastic stone choice for all zodiac signs and any Gemini to carry or wear.


Gemini season lasts from May 21 to June 21 and marks a time of change - not just in light of the seasons (hello, Summer!) but in the pace of your daily life thanks to Gemini's fast-paced and outgoing nature. The twins represent Gemini as the third sign of the zodiac in Western astrology. In India, it's known as Mithuna and represents love, romance, beauty, and fertility. Because Gemini season lasts from May to June, the Gemini birthstone can be either emerald for May or pearl for June.


From the medieval Georgian manuscript of a 12th-century astrological treatise

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet Mercury which is a planet of communication, thinking, and learning. The Gemini personality is quick-witted and curious, with a love for communication and interaction with others. They have a lively imagination and enjoy being part of the action; they're action-oriented people who like to "get things done" rather than sitting around talking about them.


Gemini (al-Gawzaa) depicted in the 14th/15th-century Arabic astrology text Book of Wonders

Geminis are known for their intelligence, adaptability, and communication skills. They are social and have a magnetic charisma that attracts people to them. Geminis are quick-witted and humorous, making them entertaining friends. However, they can be unreliable and unprincipled, easily swayed by external factors and lacking in concentration and persistence. Their capricious and undetermined nature can make them difficult to rely on, and they may struggle with decision-making.

Despite their weaknesses, Geminis have many strengths that make them valuable friends and colleagues. Their adaptability and willingness to try new things means they are open to new experiences and ideas. They are also clear communicators, adept at verbal communication and skilled at sharing information. Geminis are resourceful and quick-minded, able to cope with different people in different ways.


Now that we know the common characteristics of people born under the zodiac sign of Gemini, let's make sure to distinguish between Gemini birthstones and zodiac stones. Birthstones and zodiac stones are two different types of gemstones associated with a person's birth month or zodiac sign. Birthstones are traditionally associated with the month of a person's birth and are believed to bring good luck and protection to the wearer. Zodiac stones, on the other hand, are associated with a person's zodiac sign and are believed to enhance the positive qualities of that sign.

For Gemini, the birthstone is either a pearl, which symbolizes purity, innocence, and wisdom, or an emerald, a precious gemstone that represents love, success, and prosperity. It is believed to enhance intuition, creativity, and mental clarity, making it a good choice for Geminis who value intellectual stimulation and communication. Like pearl, emerald is also said to symbol to bring good fortune and protect the wearer from negative energy. It is said to bring good fortune and is often worn as a protective talisman.

While birthstones and zodiac stones are both believed to have positive effects on the wearer, they serve different purposes. Birthstones are more personal and connected to a specific month, while zodiac stones are more connected to a person's astrological sign. Both types and meanings of stones can be worn together for maximum benefit, but it is important to choose stones that resonate with the wearer's individual energy and intentions.


While gifting a Gemini birthstone to a lucky May or June baby is never a bad idea, you also can never go wrong by gifting a stunning agate jewelry piece. A Gemini stone can provide the Gemini with the grounding they need to feel secure in their personality and purpose while the colorful, swirling patterns of agate will remind them of the multitudes of thoughts and ideas that constantly swirl around inside their heads.


The Gemini stone, Agate, is a type of chalcedony mineral that is characterized by its banded appearance. It is formed from volcanic rock and can be found in a variety of colors, including white, gray, blue, green, and pink. The Gemini stone, Agate, is known for its smooth texture and translucent appearance, and it is often used in jewelry and decorative items.

One unique variety of agate, moss agate, is formed from silicon dioxide and other mineral impurities that are deposited in the cracks and crevices of volcanic rocks. As the mineral-rich water seeps into the rock, it slowly forms layers of agate around the moss-like inclusions, creating the unique green and brown patterns that are characteristic of moss agate that many know and love.  

History of Agate

Gold Roman signet ring with portrait of emperor Commodus in niccolo agate, 180-200 CE, found in Tongeren, Gallo-Roman Museum (Tongeren)

Agate has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. It has been used for both its healing properties and as a decorative stone. Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks highly valued agate and used it for a variety of spiritual purposes. The Egyptians, for example, used agate for amulets and talismans, which were believed to provide protection and bring good luck to the wearer. The Greeks used agate to create intricate carvings and cameos.

During medieval times, agate was believed to have the power to protect against storms and to bring good luck and fortune. It was also used as a healing stone and was believed to have the ability to cure illnesses and ward off evil spirits. In the Middle Ages, agate was often carved into talismans and amulets, which were worn as protective charms.

Spiritual Properties of Agate

Agate is believed to have a variety of spiritual properties that can benefit the wearer. It is said to enhance mental clarity and concentration, making it a good stone for students and professionals who need to focus on complex tasks. Agate is also believed to promote emotional balance and stability, making it helpful for those who struggle with anxiety or depression. Additionally, agate is thought to have protective properties that can shield the wearer from negative energy and promote overall well-being.


Agate is a gemstone that is believed to hold significant benefits for individuals born under the sign of Gemini. As the official zodiac stone for Geminis, agate is said to enhance their excellent communication skills, which is a characteristic trait of people born under this sign. Agate is also believed to help Geminis organize their many ideas and bring focus to their often chaotic energy.

Agate is also known to impact the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and self-expression. By working with this chakra, agate helps Geminis with public speaking and honesty. Geminis are ruled by the planet Mercury, which is associated with communication and intellect. As such, agate is an ideal stone for Geminis to wear as it can greatly benefit how they move around the world.

In addition to enhancing communication skills, agate is also believed to bring calm and stability to individuals. This can be particularly helpful for Geminis who are known for their energetic and restless nature. Geminis can benefit from its properties and harness its power to enhance their natural abilities by wearing agate as opposed to birthstone jewelry.



Olivia Ewing Jewelry offers a stunning collection of agate jewelry that is perfect for anyone looking to harness the power of this beautiful gemstone. Each piece of jewelry is carefully crafted by hand, ensuring that it is of the highest quality and unique in its own way.

If you're looking for a unique and meaningful piece of jewelry, be sure to check out Olivia Ewing Jewelry's collection of breathtaking moss agate pieces. With their stunning beauty and healing properties, these pieces are sure to become treasured additions to your jewelry collection.