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28th Oct 2024

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It's October and that means one thing, the veil between our world and the world of the fairies is getting thin. Here, gemstones hold a special place in our hearts. They embody an ineffable magic that seemingly flutters on gossamer wings through ancient groves and etherial landscapes.

We've compiled our five favorite gems that perfectly embody the magic of fairy folklore. So, as we delve into the heart of fairy lore, lets discover how these earthly treasures connect to those mystical creatures of light and shadow. And maybe, on the way, we can bring a touch of enchantment into our lives.



Bathed in milky luminescence, the moonstone holds the whispers of the night and the dreams of the ethereal. Its connection with moonlight is as timeless as fairy folklore itself, where it is revered as a sacred bridge to otherworldly domains. Favored by these capricious beings, the moonstone's iridescent dance of light, known as adularescence, mirrors the flickering glow of fairies flitting beneath the silvery moon. This enchanting gem is said to harbor the locked-away secrets of the forest, cradling the power of the lunar deity and offering a guiding light to the hidden paths that only the pure of heart may tread.

As lore has it, carrying a piece of moonstone is akin to holding a fragment of the fairy world—a talisman that promotes intuition and empathy, gently coaxing its bearer into the subtle rhythms of nature. It is a stone of protection, a whisper of romance, and an invitation to embrace the gentle influence of the Fae.


Treasured since ancient times, moonstone adorns the realms of jewelry with its promise of love, fertility, and intuition. From the cool hues of adularia to the warm embrace of rainbow moonstone, each piece whispers secrets of the night sky, offering protection and guiding light to those it chooses.

Within the heart of the moonstone lies a spellbinding marvel—a dance of light that mimics the ethereal glow of moonbeams caressing the earth. This mystical gem, birthed from the earth's secret cradle, emerges as a canvas of opalescent dreams, its essence intertwined with orthoclase and albite. Under the cloak of night and the kiss of moonlight, these minerals weave together, parting and meeting in a celestial ballet that gives birth to the moonstone's magical luminescence, known as adularescence. This phenomenon, a play of light that moves across the stone, captures the very soul of moonlight, casting a mesmerizing glow that seems to ebb and flow with the phases of the moon itself.




Aquamarine, with its tranquil shades of the sea, carries the lore of mermaids and the mysteries of the ocean deep. Legend whispers that this gemstone, a treasure of merfolk, promises protection for sailors and invokes the purity of crystalline waters. In the realm of fairies, aquamarine bridges the worlds of water and air, harmonizing with the elemental spirits. It is said to be cherished by water fairies for its calming energy, fostering communication and courage. This gem embodies the serene beauty and power of the water element, serving as a beacon of inspiration for those drawn to the enchanting tales of fairies and the secrets of the sea.


Aquamarine, the serene essence of the ocean captured within a crystal, sings the song of the sea and whispers tales of tranquil waters under a cerulean sky. Born from the marriage of water and earth, this gemstone enchants with its spectrum of blue, from the palest ice to the depth of azure horizons. It is as if the mermaids themselves crafted this jewel, imbuing it with the magic of calm seas and the promise of safe passage. Aquamarine's luminous clarity is a reflection of purity and truth, a beacon for harmony and a talisman for soothing the soul, guiding its bearer through life's tempestuous waves with a steady hand and a clear mind.




It is opal, with its kaleidoscope of fiery colors, captures the very essence of fairy glamor—a spellbinding dance of light that mesmerizes all who gaze upon it. The opal is believed to be born from the joyful tears of fairies, crystallized under the moon's tender gaze, thus harboring the purest essence of their ethereal beauty and potent magic.

Each opal stone is a mosaic of the fae's boundless realms; its iridescence a gateway to unseen worlds, shimmering with the promise of dreams and the whisper of distant enchantments. It is said to bestow the gift of prophecy and protection, a cherished talisman amongst those who tread the paths of the mystical. Wearing an opal is akin to carrying the vibrant heart of the fairy world, a constant companion that bridges the mundane with the magical, and the heart with the infinite wonders of the universe.


With its unique play-of-color, opal captures the dance of rainbows trapped in stone, ranging from the fiery breath of sunset to the serene hues of oceans deep. This chameleon of the gem world mesmerizes with its ever-changing spectacle, reflecting the emotions and essence of its bearer. Birthed from the tears of joy of celestial beings, as legend suggests, it embodies hope, purity, and the boundless creativity of the universe. Opal's allure lies not just in its visual spectacle but in its promise to kindle imagination, and to guard and inspire the soul it chooses to accompany.




Moss Agate, with its earthy cloak woven from mineralized moss, whispers of an ancient bond with the woodland fairies. Cradled within its translucent embrace are delicate tendrils of green, echoing the verdant floors of an enchanted forest. This gem, regarded as the crystal of garden sprites, nurtures the connection between the mortal realm and the spirited fairy domains hidden beneath the canopies of mystical old growths. Folklore holds that Moss Agate grants a glimpse into the fairies' abode, bringing abundance and growth, and is beloved by these ethereal creatures for its grounding energy and proximity to the heartbeat of the earth. In its presence, one can almost hear the soft flutter of fairy wings and the rustle of leaves in a secret, sylvan dance.


Not truly an agate but a marvel of chalcedony, its heart is veiled with moss-like inclusions, creating landscapes of green and earth within its bounds. These dendritic filaments are not impurities but whispers of life, tracing patterns of foliage and fern across a canvas of stone. Moss Agate’s palette ranges from translucent to opaque, with each piece a unique testament to nature's artistry. Revered for embodying the essence of spring, it brings the wearer closer to nature’s heart, nurturing seeds of tranquility, abundance, and well-being. Its gentle, stabilizing energy is said to refresh the soul, akin to a tranquil walk in a verdant forest, reconnecting us with the earth’s grounding embrace and the tapestry of life interwoven through all living things.




diamonds gleam as shards of stars brought to earth, tokens of the celestial dance between light and the ethereal. These crystalline wonders are said to be droplets of pure magic, hardened over millennia under the watchful gaze of the moon, and imbued with the essence of the heavens. Fairies, drawn to their unmatched brilliance and strength, regard diamonds as sacred vessels of the ancient wisdom and power of the stars. Legends whisper of diamonds providing a conduit between realms, offering protection and clarity to those who tread softly on the paths through fairy groves and starlit glades. Wearing a diamond is believed to attract fairy benevolence, forging an unspoken bond with these mystical beings, wrapping the bearer in a cloak of starlight and enchantment.


Diamonds, nature's masterpiece, are born from the heart of chaos, where carbon endures unimaginable pressure and heat deep within the Earth, transforming over eons into crystals of unmatched strength and brilliance. Their structure captures and reflects light, creating a spectacle of fire and sparkle that has mesmerized humanity across ages.

Beyond their physical allure, diamonds are the hardest known natural material, making them not just symbols of eternal beauty but also of enduring strength. Their clarity is a testament to purity, while their rarity speaks of the extraordinary journey each gem undergoes to emerge as a symbol of luxury, love, and commitment. Diamonds, in their variety of cuts and colors, from colorless to shades of yellow, brown, and beyond, continue to enchant as timeless treasures of the earth.



Whether you’re looking for something more woodsy and wild or airy and elegant, Olivia Ewing Jewelry has the perfect gemstone for you. From the earthy embrace of Moss Agate to the celestial sparkle of diamonds, each piece is a testament to nature's beauty and the craftsmanship that honors it. Browse now and pay homage to your inner fairy today!