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20th Aug 2024

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Everyone is susceptible to an occasional face blemish, it’s an annoying but common part of life. But did you know that your diamond or other gemstone can also suffer from blemishes? Fear not: gemstone blemishes won’t randomly pop up one day as a big ugly welt. Let’s go over everything there is to know about gemstone flaws and inclusions including how they are formed, what you can do about them, and how to shop smart so you can get an eye clean (if that’s what you want) stone.


Gemstone inclusions are basically the little things that are stuck inside a gem. These can be bits of other stuff like tiny pieces of solid material, some droplets of liquid, little pockets of gas, different colors, or even little cracks and distinctive lines – think of it as the gem's own unique birthmark. A lot of the time, they're so small, you'd need a magnifying glass to see them, but they do play a big part in giving a gemstone its personality and value.

Now, these inclusions can be a bunch of different things. Sometimes you find little minerals or even other gems hanging out inside the main gem. Picture finding a bit of tiny garnet crystals inside a diamond, or some fine, silky threads called rutile in a ruby. These cool quirks tell us a story about where and how the gem formed, like clues to a secret past buried deep underground.

As for liquids, imagine tiny droplets of water or oil, maybe even saltwater, getting caught up in the mix while the gem is growing. And yes, gems can even have bubbles – think fizzy drinks, but make it gemstone style. These little gas bubbles got trapped way back when the gem was forming.In fact, many gemologists will study gemstone inclusions to help identify the type of gem and the conditions that it was formed under.


When it comes to gemstones and more specifically, diamonds, the term inclusion is usually interpreted as a flaw. But that could not be further from the truth. Sure, there are some inclusions that you'll want to steer clear of (and we'll go over those later), but there are many inclusions that result in a much desired gemstone.

For example, salt and pepper diamonds are like the rock stars of the diamond world with their own following. They get their edgy name because they're all speckled with little black and white dots, like someone shook a salt and pepper shaker inside them. These specks are actually all those inclusions we've been talking about. They can look like tiny galaxies trapped in the stone, giving each one a unique, kinda rogue beauty. Some folks are totally smitten with this look because it's so different from your typical ice-clear sparkler.

And get this, star sapphires have this neat trick they do thanks to inclusions. They've got these super fine, silk-like strands of rutile inside. In star sapphires, these little rutile guys line up in just the right way, and when light hits the surface, bam – you've got a star shining back at you! The rays of light seem to glide across the stone making it look magical, as if it’s got a life of its own. This star-effect, or asterism, is a huge hit in the gem world. People dig those stars so much; they often don't care about anything else when picking out a star sapphire.


Consider gemstones like students in a school– they all get graded, but the curve is different depending on the class. Take diamonds, where clarity is one of the big 4Cs. It's all about how clean and clear they are, kinda like looking through a freshly Windexed window.

Now, jump to emeralds or those cool star sapphires we gabbed about, and the game changes. Emeralds are famous for their "garden" of internal marks, treated with more of a wink and a nudge because those "flaws" are part of their charm. Star sapphires? Pfft, it's all about that rad star-effect, not about being clear as day. When shopping for your choice of gemstone, be sure to research the clarity standards and understand what level of clarity you most prefer. This can help ease your shopping options and narrow your choices.


As we've mentioned before, gemstones are no stranger to blemishes. But unlike pesky pimples, these blemishes don't suddenly pop-up. Instead, blemishes are marks or scratches on the surface of your gemstone that usually occur during cutting, handling, or wearing. Think nicks, tiny chops, or scratches. All things that happen in a gem's 'social life' after its been dug up and shaped.


Inclusions are the clandestine tales etched inside gemstones, secrets only whispered beneath the earth's surface. Picture a gemstone forming, a slow dance of elements under the earth's fervent embrace. As it grows, it might capture tiny souvenirs from its surroundings - a fleck of another mineral pausing to rest, a bubble of gas from a sigh of the earth, or even a teardrop of ancient water. These moments are frozen in time, hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

This magical process is not just spontaneous; it's a deliberate symphony orchestrated by the conditions of pressure, temperature, and the chemical ballet happening beneath our feet. The gemstone's heart fills with these tiny intruders, creating a mosaic of inclusions that are as unique as fingerprints. Just like the lines on your hand tell your story, inclusions whisper the genesis and journey of the gemstone. To behold them, one must delve beyond the surface glamor, exploring the depths with a jeweler’s loupe, where these microscopic time capsules reveal themselves.


Not all inclusions are created equal; some are benign whispers, while others can be the silent scribes of a gem's fragility. Imagine inclusions like fine lines in a piece of exquisite parchment; certain types may be mere aesthetics, but others, akin to deep creases, could predispose the page to tear.

Feather inclusions, for instance, are like fine, ethereal cracks within the stone, reminiscent of delicate bird feathers. They are captivating to behold, yet their presence can be a harbinger of potential vulnerability, where the gem might surrender to pressure or impact.

Similarly, there are those inclusions that slice through the gem like clandestine fissures - unseen to the admirers' gaze, they weave through the heart of the stone, risking its integrity. For a jeweler, these are the treacherous fault lines where the art of cutting must be approached with the finesse of a master sculptor, lest the gemstone succumb to its internal rifts.

Then there are the inclusions that cluster together like secret gatherings or parties frozen in time. A solitary inclusion might stand innocuous, but an assembly can conspire to weaken a gemstone's structure, creating a nexus of fragility within the lustrous depths.

Each gem must be evaluated, its inclusions pondered like the chapters of a book, to understand the story they tell of both the stone's beauty and its resilience. Those with the strength of heart carry their inclusions like medals of honor; others, with hidden vulnerabilities within their crystalline bodies, require a guardian's care to ensure their lasting legacy. Thus, the enchanting world of inclusions is one of beauty, mystery, and sometimes, a whispered caution to the lovers of these earthly treasures.


Whether you’re looking for a distinctive salt and pepper diamond, a stunning star sapphire, or a perfectly clear diamond, Olivia Ewing Jewelry has the gemstones you need without any of the inclusions you don’t. Sourced from all over, we only use the highest quality materials and work with a variety of gemstone suppliers to ensure that our customers have access to the best selection possible. If you’re looking for something specific, please don’t hesitate to contact us!